Prof.Dr. Anıl ÇUBUKÇU tarafından yayınlanan ULUSLARARASI Yayınların listesi :
- Canturk NZ, Vural B, Cubukcu A, Duzcen E, Utkan Z, Dulger M. Experimental study on the role of mast cells in peritoneal adhesion formation. East Afr Med J. 1999;76(4):233-6.
- Cubukcu A, Paksoy M, Gonullu NN, Sirin F, Dulger M. Traumatic rupture of the diaphragm. Int J Clin Pract. 2000; 54(1):19-21.
- Cubukcu A, Gonullu NN, Ercin C, Alponat A, Kaur AC, Canturk Z, Paksoy N. Imprint cytology in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori. Does imprinting damage the biopsy specimen? Acta Cytol. 2000; 44(2):124-7.
- Cubukcu A, Gonullu NN, Paksoy M, Alponat A, Kuru M, Ozbay O. The role of obesity on the recurrence of pilonidal sinus disease in patients, who were treated by excision and Limberg flap transposition. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2000; 15(3):173-5.
- Cubukcu A, Alponat A, Gonullu NN, Ozkan S, Ercin C. An experimental study evaluating the effect of Mitomycin C on the prevention of postoperative intraabdominal adhesions. J Surg Res. 2001; 96(2):163-6.
- Cubukcu A, Carkman S, Gonullu NN, Alponat A, Kayabasi B, Eyuboglu E. Lack of evidence that obesity is a cause of pilonidal sinus disease. Eur J Surg. 2001; 167(4):297-8
- Paksoy M, Hamzaoglu I, Cubukcu A, Uzun H, Agca B, Polat E, Aydin S, Gumustas K. The influence of omentectomy on the inflammatory phase of anastomotic healing. Hepatogastroenterology. 2001; 48(41):1359-63
- Cubukcu A, Gonullu NN, Arslan SA, Alponat A. Post-traumatic combined transdiaphragmatic intercostal and lumbar hernia. Int J Clin Pract. 2001; 55(3):223-4.
- Cubukcu A, Alponat A, Gonullu NN. Mitomycin-C prevents reformation of intra-abdominal adhesions after adhesiolysis. Surgery. 2002; 131(1):81-4
- Cubukcu A, Gonullu NN, Kacar SO, Alponat A, Paksoy N. Imprint cytology in the endoscopic diagnosis of gastrointestinal malignancies. Hepatogastroenterology. 2002; 49(43):198-200.
- Alponat A, Cubukcu A, Gonullu N, Canturk Z, Ozbay O. Is minisite cholecystectomy less traumatic? Prospective randomized study comparing minisite and conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomies. World J Surg. 2002; 26(12):1437-40
- Gonullu NN, Cubukcu A, Alponat A. Comparison of local and general anesthesia in tension-free (Lichtenstein) hernioplasty: a prospective randomized trial. Hernia. 2002; 6(1):29-32.
- Yelimlies B, Alponat A, Cubukcu A, Kuru M, Oz S, Ercin C, Gonullu N. Carboxymethylcellulose coated on visceral face of polypropylene mesh prevents adhesion without impairing wound healing in incisional hernia model in rats. Hernia. 2003; 7(3):130-3.
- Gonullu NN, Alponat A, Cubukcu A. Open tension-free Cooper ligament repair for femoral hernia. Int J Clin Pract. 2005 Sep;59(9):1008-10.
- Sarlak AY, Tosun B, Buluç L, Cubukcu A. A comparison of two omental lengthening techniques by the pedicled omentum to close a knee disarticulation defect: a case report. Eur J Plast Surg (2008) 30:239-243.
- Kocaman O, Sipahi M, Cubukcu A, Baykara NZ, Hülagü S. Porous diaphragm syndromeafter ERCP in a patient with bile duct stricture. Turk J Gastroenterol 2009 Jun; 20(2):157-8.
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